June Wellness Tip: Listen to the Birds

It has been such a rainy and dreary spring this year, it’s barely felt like we had a spring at all in Southern Ontario. All of a sudden it’s June and summer is almost upon us!

If you’re anything like me, time seems to be racing along and it might feel like there’s not enough time to get everything done in the day. One way of slowing down the pace of the year is to become more conscious of the fluctuations in nature around us.

On your next walk outside, take a moment to listen to the variety of birds calling out. In the middle of a city you can hear cardinals, blue jays, geese, chickadees, waxwings, robins, crows…. The list goes on and on. It doesn’t matter if you can identify which bird is which. Simply taking the time to notice the sounds around us is a deeply grounding technique. If you are able to make this into a habit you’ll begin to notice the shift in songs as the season changes.  

If you feel like taking it a step deeper there are seemingly endless resources for learning to identify birdsong. Some tips for beginners:

  • Start with one bird- Maybe it’s one you think is beautiful, one that hangs out in your backyard, or one that has a distinctive call you’ve noticed.
  • Listen to recordings- Picking out the call of one bird can be a challenge when you’re immersed in them. Taking a minute to become familiar with the sound will help you focus in on the one you’re looking for.
  • Get a glance- If possible, try and watch the bird as it sings. Connecting the sound and the sight will help solidify the experience in your brain.

Whether you’re taking a quick moment to listen while walking between meetings or you have the time to sit and soak in the sounds, engaging with the music in our environment can be a powerful tool for self care.